Sunday, 6/6/21- Update
Soon it will be a year since we returned to church with COVID mitigations in place such as social distancing and the wearing of masks. The leadership team of Parker Road Bible Church truly appreciates all of your efforts in helping to create and maintain a safe environment for all. Beginning Sunday, June 6th, masks will be optional and seating will increase in the sanctuary while maintaining more distance than we used to have. We will achieve this by returning the left and center sections back to normal then removing one row thereby creating additional space. The right section will remain as it is for the time being. The gym will remain set up as well as the tables in the back for anyone who feels more comfortable in that area. We have made this decision based on the continued decreasing positivity rates in the area, the availability of the vaccine, as well CDC and IDPH guidelines. We encourage everyone to make wise choices for themselves based on personal needs. Thank you to everyone for walking with us through this journey as we continued to worship and learn about our great God and Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (5/23/21 Release)
Leadership Council, Parker Road Bible Church
Leadership Council, Parker Road Bible Church
Easter Sunday, 4/4/2021 -Guidelines
- Our seating is adjusted to allow for social distancing.
- We are asking attendees to wear masks when moving about the building and in common areas, and classrooms, however we are not requiring them when seated in the sanctuary.
- The gym has been open for overflow.
- We have hand sanitizing areas available throughout the church.
- Please wash your hands or sanitize often.
- You may exit through the sanctuary to avoid walking back through hallways to the main entrance.
- No offering plates are passed. A box is available in the back of the sanctuary and a basket in the front for offerings
- Communion is served on tables instead of the elements being passed.
- If you do not feel well, please stay home and join us online
Sunday, 5/31/2020- Reopening & Guidelines
We have determined that we will reopen the church building for worship on Sunday, May 31st, seventy-five days since our last service. We will do this with close attention paid to the CDC guidelines for faith communities.
Your physical safety and as well as your spiritual and emotional condition are very important to us. We have taken into consideration the size of our church building. We have considered the effects of COVID in Will County as determined by our local mayors in coordination with local healthcare professionals. We have taken into consideration our ability to provide an environment at our facility as safe or safer than businesses that our government have deemed essential since the beginning of the pandemic response.
With that being said, we understand that some will not be able to attend due to health issues or other factors that may put them at higher risk. We understand that others may disagree with our decision. There is zero pressure to attend, and we encourage you to seek the Lord and do what you are convinced of as each of us are directed in Romans 14:5. We will do our best to continue to provide alternative avenues for you to worship as we have in the previous weeks. We will continue our Facebook Live services indefinitely and continue to encourage participation even from the sanctuary, by checking in to Facebook Live and encouraging those who cannot join us.
As mentioned above, we have consulted the CDC guidelines (, as well as those of other churches and concluded the following to be safe and responsible for in-person worship:
1) We will prop the front doors open, so you do not have to touch the handles. If the weather is inclement, we will have a volunteer open the outside door, so you do not have to touch it.
2) All attenders will have their temperature taken in the entryway. Those with normal temperatures will be allowed in. Please come on time to enable this step to go smoothly because we do not want to make the temperature scanning volunteer have to be at the door for an extended time after the service begins.
3) Please feel free to wear your own face covering or we will have masks available at the Welcome Desk if you need one. Hand sanitizer will be available at the Welcome Desk and designated areas throughout the building.
We are asking you to wear face coverings when you are moving through the church building, singing, an unable to social distance. Per the CDC: Face coverings are most essential when social distancing is difficult. Note: Cloth face coverings should not be placed on children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance. Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected but does not have symptoms.
4) We will not hand out materials. You will pick up your own bulletins, outlines, and other handouts on a table near the sanctuary. Materials for children and youth will be made available as we will not have children’s ministries in this initial period. There will be no nursery available during service.
5) Once you make your way to the sanctuary, please patiently wait for an usher to seat you and your family. We will have already prepared the sanctuary for safe social distancing.
6) We will also have the gym available and prepared as the sanctuary is including sound and projection to provide added capacity. Feel free to request the gym space if you would be more comfortable there.
7) We ask you to not shake hands or hug, and to social distance to respect other’s space and decrease the possibility of spreading germs or viruses.
8) If you must use the restroom, practice the 20 second handwashing rule.
9) Following the Worship Service, you will exit the east sanctuary door to the parking lot. There will be a basket on a stand for you to place your offerings if you wish. Online giving is also always an option. If we have Panera bread available, it will be individually wrapped at a station outside the exit.
10) Before or after the service, we encourage you to talk together outside keeping in mind personal space and social distancing. If inclement weather, use open spaces in the gym and sanctuary.
11) The building, including the bathrooms, will be disinfected each week. We ask you to avoid the East wing and classrooms until further notice.
12) If you at all feel sick or under the weather, please worship with us on Facebook Live, rest, and get well. Please contact us for prayer or if you need any assistance.
Unity as the body of Christ is crucial. Please be in prayer for the church and its leadership as we begin to meet again. If there are any comments, issues, or problems, please notify me or one of our Elders or Deacons, so that we can work toward a solution.
God bless you, and we look forward to seeing you as the Lord leads you back.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pr. Frank Volpe
Your physical safety and as well as your spiritual and emotional condition are very important to us. We have taken into consideration the size of our church building. We have considered the effects of COVID in Will County as determined by our local mayors in coordination with local healthcare professionals. We have taken into consideration our ability to provide an environment at our facility as safe or safer than businesses that our government have deemed essential since the beginning of the pandemic response.
With that being said, we understand that some will not be able to attend due to health issues or other factors that may put them at higher risk. We understand that others may disagree with our decision. There is zero pressure to attend, and we encourage you to seek the Lord and do what you are convinced of as each of us are directed in Romans 14:5. We will do our best to continue to provide alternative avenues for you to worship as we have in the previous weeks. We will continue our Facebook Live services indefinitely and continue to encourage participation even from the sanctuary, by checking in to Facebook Live and encouraging those who cannot join us.
As mentioned above, we have consulted the CDC guidelines (, as well as those of other churches and concluded the following to be safe and responsible for in-person worship:
1) We will prop the front doors open, so you do not have to touch the handles. If the weather is inclement, we will have a volunteer open the outside door, so you do not have to touch it.
2) All attenders will have their temperature taken in the entryway. Those with normal temperatures will be allowed in. Please come on time to enable this step to go smoothly because we do not want to make the temperature scanning volunteer have to be at the door for an extended time after the service begins.
3) Please feel free to wear your own face covering or we will have masks available at the Welcome Desk if you need one. Hand sanitizer will be available at the Welcome Desk and designated areas throughout the building.
We are asking you to wear face coverings when you are moving through the church building, singing, an unable to social distance. Per the CDC: Face coverings are most essential when social distancing is difficult. Note: Cloth face coverings should not be placed on children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance. Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected but does not have symptoms.
4) We will not hand out materials. You will pick up your own bulletins, outlines, and other handouts on a table near the sanctuary. Materials for children and youth will be made available as we will not have children’s ministries in this initial period. There will be no nursery available during service.
5) Once you make your way to the sanctuary, please patiently wait for an usher to seat you and your family. We will have already prepared the sanctuary for safe social distancing.
6) We will also have the gym available and prepared as the sanctuary is including sound and projection to provide added capacity. Feel free to request the gym space if you would be more comfortable there.
7) We ask you to not shake hands or hug, and to social distance to respect other’s space and decrease the possibility of spreading germs or viruses.
8) If you must use the restroom, practice the 20 second handwashing rule.
9) Following the Worship Service, you will exit the east sanctuary door to the parking lot. There will be a basket on a stand for you to place your offerings if you wish. Online giving is also always an option. If we have Panera bread available, it will be individually wrapped at a station outside the exit.
10) Before or after the service, we encourage you to talk together outside keeping in mind personal space and social distancing. If inclement weather, use open spaces in the gym and sanctuary.
11) The building, including the bathrooms, will be disinfected each week. We ask you to avoid the East wing and classrooms until further notice.
12) If you at all feel sick or under the weather, please worship with us on Facebook Live, rest, and get well. Please contact us for prayer or if you need any assistance.
Unity as the body of Christ is crucial. Please be in prayer for the church and its leadership as we begin to meet again. If there are any comments, issues, or problems, please notify me or one of our Elders or Deacons, so that we can work toward a solution.
God bless you, and we look forward to seeing you as the Lord leads you back.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pr. Frank Volpe
Church Family and Online Guests,
Today is the National Day of Prayer. We have included the National Day of Prayer prayer guide for you to pray today and for the remainder of the week. Check it out and be in prayer for each other and our nation!
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor Frank
Today is the National Day of Prayer. We have included the National Day of Prayer prayer guide for you to pray today and for the remainder of the week. Check it out and be in prayer for each other and our nation!
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor Frank
Coronavirus, COVID-19 UPDATE
Dear Church Family and Online Guests,
Here's a quick update on this week below. Click here for an updated Prayer Guide and take advantage of these great Spiritual Resources.
Easter Sunday Worship Service- Streamed
Thank you for tuning in for the Sunday, April 5th Worship Service on Facebook live. Great to see your comments and have you check in! You can access the sermon audio or the Facebook Live Video in the Media section of our website- or on our Facebook Page- We are looking forward to Easter Sunday as we celebrate our Lord's resurrection, and we will streaming the service again on Facebook Live @ 10:30am. The sermon is going to be focused on the reality that after Jesus Christ died He rose and lives again! Join us and invite some friends.
You can find the sermon outline, announcements, and Bible passages, on the YouVersion Bible App Events page. Search for Parker Road Bible Church.
Good Friday Seder
Passover was yesterday, but did you know Passover foreshadows Jesus' coming and death on the cross for the sins of the world. Join us on Facebook Live at 6:30pm on Good Friday, when Kirill Swiderski presents, Messiah in the Passover.
Pastor Frank's Devotion
Three videos from the R.E.S.E.T. Devotion are available by clicking on the tab above or going to our Facebook page. We encourage you to track along and Lord willing it will be a blessing to you.
Church Hours
Church hours will be by appointment this week. If you need prayer or would like to speak with Pastor Frank or one of our church leaders, please call, text, or email. If you would like a visit or need help with other needs, please feel free to contact us.
If you are aware of a person in need, please let one of the church leaders know or contact the church office as soon as possible. We will do our best to help those in need in these trying times.
Online Giving
You can continue to give to Parker Road Bible Church at
Here's a quick update on this week below. Click here for an updated Prayer Guide and take advantage of these great Spiritual Resources.
Easter Sunday Worship Service- Streamed
Thank you for tuning in for the Sunday, April 5th Worship Service on Facebook live. Great to see your comments and have you check in! You can access the sermon audio or the Facebook Live Video in the Media section of our website- or on our Facebook Page- We are looking forward to Easter Sunday as we celebrate our Lord's resurrection, and we will streaming the service again on Facebook Live @ 10:30am. The sermon is going to be focused on the reality that after Jesus Christ died He rose and lives again! Join us and invite some friends.
You can find the sermon outline, announcements, and Bible passages, on the YouVersion Bible App Events page. Search for Parker Road Bible Church.
Good Friday Seder
Passover was yesterday, but did you know Passover foreshadows Jesus' coming and death on the cross for the sins of the world. Join us on Facebook Live at 6:30pm on Good Friday, when Kirill Swiderski presents, Messiah in the Passover.
Pastor Frank's Devotion
Three videos from the R.E.S.E.T. Devotion are available by clicking on the tab above or going to our Facebook page. We encourage you to track along and Lord willing it will be a blessing to you.
Church Hours
Church hours will be by appointment this week. If you need prayer or would like to speak with Pastor Frank or one of our church leaders, please call, text, or email. If you would like a visit or need help with other needs, please feel free to contact us.
If you are aware of a person in need, please let one of the church leaders know or contact the church office as soon as possible. We will do our best to help those in need in these trying times.
Online Giving
You can continue to give to Parker Road Bible Church at
Dear Church Family and Online Guests,
Here's a quick update on this week below. Click here for an updated Prayer Guide and take advantage of these great Spiritual Resources.
Worship Service- Streamed
Thank you for tuning in for the Sunday, March 29, 2020 Worship Service on Facebook live. I love reading the comments and seeing you check in! You can access the sermon audio or the Facebook Live Video in the Media section of our website- or on our Facebook Page- We made some more improvements and Lord willing, we plan to stream the service again on Facebook Live this Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020 @ 10:30am. The sermon is going to be focused on the death of Christ and the importance of Palm Sunday as we continue to learn about Jesus who came, lived, died, and lives again!
You can find the sermon outline, announcements, and Bible passages, on the YouVersion Bible App Events page. Search for Parker Road Bible Church.
Pastor Frank's Devotion
I am behind on the devotion I've been planning, but I will release the first video Thursday, April 2nd at 4pm. The five part devotion is called R.E.S.E.T. and I look forward to having you check it out and share your thoughts.
Church Hours
Church hours will be by appointment this week. If you need prayer or would like to speak with Pastor Frank or one of our church leaders, please call, text, or email. If you would like a visit or need help with other needs, please feel free to contact us.
If you are aware of a person in need, please let one of the church leaders know or contact the church office as soon as possible. We will do our best to help those in need in these trying times.
Online Giving
You can continue to give to Parker Road Bible Church at
Here's a quick update on this week below. Click here for an updated Prayer Guide and take advantage of these great Spiritual Resources.
Worship Service- Streamed
Thank you for tuning in for the Sunday, March 29, 2020 Worship Service on Facebook live. I love reading the comments and seeing you check in! You can access the sermon audio or the Facebook Live Video in the Media section of our website- or on our Facebook Page- We made some more improvements and Lord willing, we plan to stream the service again on Facebook Live this Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020 @ 10:30am. The sermon is going to be focused on the death of Christ and the importance of Palm Sunday as we continue to learn about Jesus who came, lived, died, and lives again!
You can find the sermon outline, announcements, and Bible passages, on the YouVersion Bible App Events page. Search for Parker Road Bible Church.
Pastor Frank's Devotion
I am behind on the devotion I've been planning, but I will release the first video Thursday, April 2nd at 4pm. The five part devotion is called R.E.S.E.T. and I look forward to having you check it out and share your thoughts.
Church Hours
Church hours will be by appointment this week. If you need prayer or would like to speak with Pastor Frank or one of our church leaders, please call, text, or email. If you would like a visit or need help with other needs, please feel free to contact us.
If you are aware of a person in need, please let one of the church leaders know or contact the church office as soon as possible. We will do our best to help those in need in these trying times.
Online Giving
You can continue to give to Parker Road Bible Church at
Dear Church Family and Online Guests,
Here's a quick update on this week below. Click here for a Prayer Guide and here for Spiritual Resources.
Worship Service- Streamed
The Sunday, March 22, 2020 Worship Service was streamed on Facebook Live at 10:30 am. You can access the sermon audio or the Facebook Live Video in the Media section of our website- or on our Facebook Page- We are looking to continue to improve the process, and Lord willing, plan to stream the service again on Facebook Live this Sunday, March 29, 2020 @ 10:30am. If you know someone who is unable to access the sermon online, please let us know and we will try to figure out a good way to get it to them.
You can find the sermon outline, announcements, and Bible passages, on the YouVersion Bible App Events page. Search for Parker Road Bible Church.
Pastor Frank's Devotion
Pastor Frank will be posting videos and questions regarding his daily devotion called: R.E.S.E.T. Stay tuned for more information.
Church Hours
Church hours will be by appointment this week. If you need prayer or would like to speak with Pastor Frank or one of our church leaders, please call, text, or email. If you would like a visit or need help with other needs, please feel free to contact us.
If you are aware of a need, please let one of the church leaders know or contact the church office as soon as possible. We will do our best to help those in need in these trying times.
Online Giving
You can continue to give to Parker Road Bible Church at
Dear Church Family and Online Guests,
Here's a quick update on this week below. Click here for a Prayer Guide and here for Spiritual Resources.
Worship Service- Streamed
The Sunday, March 22, 2020 Worship Service was streamed on Facebook Live at 10:30 am. You can access the sermon audio or the Facebook Live Video in the Media section of our website- or on our Facebook Page- We are looking to continue to improve the process, and Lord willing, plan to stream the service again on Facebook Live this Sunday, March 29, 2020 @ 10:30am. If you know someone who is unable to access the sermon online, please let us know and we will try to figure out a good way to get it to them.
You can find the sermon outline, announcements, and Bible passages, on the YouVersion Bible App Events page. Search for Parker Road Bible Church.
Pastor Frank's Devotion
Pastor Frank will be posting videos and questions regarding his daily devotion called: R.E.S.E.T. Stay tuned for more information.
Church Hours
Church hours will be by appointment this week. If you need prayer or would like to speak with Pastor Frank or one of our church leaders, please call, text, or email. If you would like a visit or need help with other needs, please feel free to contact us.
If you are aware of a need, please let one of the church leaders know or contact the church office as soon as possible. We will do our best to help those in need in these trying times.
Online Giving
You can continue to give to Parker Road Bible Church at
Dear Church Family and Online Guests,
Due to the Executive Order of the Governor, we are closing the building today. We have cancelled all events to comply with the mandate.
Lord-willing, the Facebook Live Stream will happen @ 10:30 am this morning at . It will be a scaled back service, however we hope to have you tune in!
God bless you, we love you and are praying for you!
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Volpe
Dear Church Family and Online Guests,
Due to the Executive Order of the Governor, we are closing the building today. We have cancelled all events to comply with the mandate.
Lord-willing, the Facebook Live Stream will happen @ 10:30 am this morning at . It will be a scaled back service, however we hope to have you tune in!
God bless you, we love you and are praying for you!
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Volpe
Dear Church Family,
With the Executive Order from the Governor of no more than 50 people at gatherings, and our concern for your well-being, we have decided to stream our Worship Service online, and cancel Sunday School and our other weekly groups. You will be able to watch the service at or in the YouVersion Bible App on your mobile device by selecting More > Events and then searching Parker Road Bible Church. You will be able to access the sermon outline on YouVersion and it will link you to the Facebook Live streamed service.
We want to make sure we continue to support you spiritually and physically as necessary. Please stay in touch and check in at our Facebook page and to stay up to date.
We are organizing four Coronavirus Response Teams to adequately serve and care for the church. We welcome volunteers for these teams. You must not have any symptoms of the virus and be in good health to avoid spreading any illnesses to other team members. You can sign up by following this link: . (If you have any issues with the link, please email Pastor Frank @ [email protected].)
C19 Worship Live Team
We need a team of people to support streaming the service. We have the essential team, however we could use some extra support staff. This includes: extra tech/av people, Scripture readers, security people, and general support staff that will be onsite at the building on Sunday Morning. When you sign up, we will contact you with more details. Max Worship Live Team onsite: 10-15
C19 Prayer Team
The C19 Prayer Team will lift up our church, our country, our state and our community in prayer daily over the next several weeks. They will specifically set aside time Sunday morning at 10am for prayer for the church and the live streamed worship service. You can participate in this team from home or you can sign up to pray together at the church building on Sunday morning. There will be a ten person limit for this team at building on Sunday morning. Prayer is crucial so it is needed whether from home or at the church building. Max members of Prayer Team members onsite: 10
C19 Care Team
This team would be directed by the elders discernment and/or as a result of needs discovered through the WatchCare groups. They would be tasked to stop at people’s houses to drop off supplies for those in need, extra Panera, or as a courtesy check to those who need a visit. They can be at the church building on Sunday to coordinate or pick up anything needed. Max Care Team members onsite: 10
C19 Cleaning Team
This team would clean the church on Friday or Saturday and do a minor wipe down Sunday following the service. We are instructed to clean the building after anyone uses it. With voting this week this team would clean the church to prepare for the small teams that will come in on Sunday and do a quick clean up following the service. We will have very limited building use until the following week, so this team will clean as needed. Max Cleaning members onsite on Sunday Morning:5-10
Again, we want to make sure you are spiritually supported through this difficult and stressful season. We are looking at other avenues so that we can continue to grow closer to the Lord, stay connected, and make disciples during these hard times. Please feel free to contact us with needs or suggestions.
Our prayer is that you are trusting our good, gracious, and sovereign Lord in the midst of this all:
"I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:1–2 (ESV)
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor Frank Volpe
Dear Church Family,
With the Executive Order from the Governor of no more than 50 people at gatherings, and our concern for your well-being, we have decided to stream our Worship Service online, and cancel Sunday School and our other weekly groups. You will be able to watch the service at or in the YouVersion Bible App on your mobile device by selecting More > Events and then searching Parker Road Bible Church. You will be able to access the sermon outline on YouVersion and it will link you to the Facebook Live streamed service.
We want to make sure we continue to support you spiritually and physically as necessary. Please stay in touch and check in at our Facebook page and to stay up to date.
We are organizing four Coronavirus Response Teams to adequately serve and care for the church. We welcome volunteers for these teams. You must not have any symptoms of the virus and be in good health to avoid spreading any illnesses to other team members. You can sign up by following this link: . (If you have any issues with the link, please email Pastor Frank @ [email protected].)
C19 Worship Live Team
We need a team of people to support streaming the service. We have the essential team, however we could use some extra support staff. This includes: extra tech/av people, Scripture readers, security people, and general support staff that will be onsite at the building on Sunday Morning. When you sign up, we will contact you with more details. Max Worship Live Team onsite: 10-15
C19 Prayer Team
The C19 Prayer Team will lift up our church, our country, our state and our community in prayer daily over the next several weeks. They will specifically set aside time Sunday morning at 10am for prayer for the church and the live streamed worship service. You can participate in this team from home or you can sign up to pray together at the church building on Sunday morning. There will be a ten person limit for this team at building on Sunday morning. Prayer is crucial so it is needed whether from home or at the church building. Max members of Prayer Team members onsite: 10
C19 Care Team
This team would be directed by the elders discernment and/or as a result of needs discovered through the WatchCare groups. They would be tasked to stop at people’s houses to drop off supplies for those in need, extra Panera, or as a courtesy check to those who need a visit. They can be at the church building on Sunday to coordinate or pick up anything needed. Max Care Team members onsite: 10
C19 Cleaning Team
This team would clean the church on Friday or Saturday and do a minor wipe down Sunday following the service. We are instructed to clean the building after anyone uses it. With voting this week this team would clean the church to prepare for the small teams that will come in on Sunday and do a quick clean up following the service. We will have very limited building use until the following week, so this team will clean as needed. Max Cleaning members onsite on Sunday Morning:5-10
Again, we want to make sure you are spiritually supported through this difficult and stressful season. We are looking at other avenues so that we can continue to grow closer to the Lord, stay connected, and make disciples during these hard times. Please feel free to contact us with needs or suggestions.
Our prayer is that you are trusting our good, gracious, and sovereign Lord in the midst of this all:
"I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:1–2 (ESV)
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor Frank Volpe
Dear Church Family,
Day by day, confusion, concern, and caution continues regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is our desire to be wise as we seek God’s guidance for our church. Many of us feel the anxiousness and fear of the day so we must continue to trust in God’s Word, which is as reliable as ever. Again, Jesus encouraged us not to be anxious about tomorrow (Mt. 6:34), and Paul did the same when he wrote: “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5b–7 (ESV)
President Trump has called for a National Day of Prayer for tomorrow. After thanking the President for this action, Franklin Graham wrote the following:
“With so much uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus at home and around the world, people are afraid. Now is the time for Christians to be strong and courageous, knowing that Almighty God is with us. As His Word instructs, we are to cast our cares upon Him, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).
We need to pray for those who are sick and their families, for those who are living in fear and anxiousness, for the professionals who are providing medical care, for those working on treatments and a vaccine for COVID-19, and for our leaders to act with wisdom and courage as they make vital decisions that impact each of our lives. Please also lift up the President and our nation's coronavirus task force headed by Vice President Mike Pence in prayer as they work closely and diligently with the myriad of issues related to this pandemic.”
We want to assure you that our leadership has been in prayer and we are monitoring the CDC and Will County websites. We took additional measures, as a team met last night to ensure our building is clean, and ready for tomorrow. We will continue to monitor government health guidelines as they relate to our church to discern the next steps for our church family beyond tomorrow. After ongoing prayer, reflection, and research, we plan to continue our Worship Service and the Caruso Benefit this Sunday.
We want to make it very clear that your well-being is extremely important to us. If your health is compromised, please stay home and be cautious. If you are sick, please stay home and get well. Stay in contact with us. If you stay home and need prayer or visits, reach out to me or another Elder. We want to help you remain connected and cared for even if you’re unable to be with us.
A reminder for those who join us: Please take precautions. Wash your hands thoroughly, cover your cough, use tissues, and throw them away after you use them. We have sanitizer and Kleenex available, but feel free to bring your own, or any additional supplies you’d like to share with the church. Be sensitive to other people regarding touch.
In the future we will communicate any changes with you, by email via the directory and prayer chain, our website (which has been redeveloped and has a new look as of this week!), and possibly Facebook. If you are not part of the Instant Church Directory System, Prayer Chain, or have not liked us on Facebook, please contact us to get connected.
I can be reached by email at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor Frank Volpe
Dear Church Family,
Day by day, confusion, concern, and caution continues regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is our desire to be wise as we seek God’s guidance for our church. Many of us feel the anxiousness and fear of the day so we must continue to trust in God’s Word, which is as reliable as ever. Again, Jesus encouraged us not to be anxious about tomorrow (Mt. 6:34), and Paul did the same when he wrote: “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5b–7 (ESV)
President Trump has called for a National Day of Prayer for tomorrow. After thanking the President for this action, Franklin Graham wrote the following:
“With so much uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus at home and around the world, people are afraid. Now is the time for Christians to be strong and courageous, knowing that Almighty God is with us. As His Word instructs, we are to cast our cares upon Him, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).
We need to pray for those who are sick and their families, for those who are living in fear and anxiousness, for the professionals who are providing medical care, for those working on treatments and a vaccine for COVID-19, and for our leaders to act with wisdom and courage as they make vital decisions that impact each of our lives. Please also lift up the President and our nation's coronavirus task force headed by Vice President Mike Pence in prayer as they work closely and diligently with the myriad of issues related to this pandemic.”
We want to assure you that our leadership has been in prayer and we are monitoring the CDC and Will County websites. We took additional measures, as a team met last night to ensure our building is clean, and ready for tomorrow. We will continue to monitor government health guidelines as they relate to our church to discern the next steps for our church family beyond tomorrow. After ongoing prayer, reflection, and research, we plan to continue our Worship Service and the Caruso Benefit this Sunday.
We want to make it very clear that your well-being is extremely important to us. If your health is compromised, please stay home and be cautious. If you are sick, please stay home and get well. Stay in contact with us. If you stay home and need prayer or visits, reach out to me or another Elder. We want to help you remain connected and cared for even if you’re unable to be with us.
A reminder for those who join us: Please take precautions. Wash your hands thoroughly, cover your cough, use tissues, and throw them away after you use them. We have sanitizer and Kleenex available, but feel free to bring your own, or any additional supplies you’d like to share with the church. Be sensitive to other people regarding touch.
In the future we will communicate any changes with you, by email via the directory and prayer chain, our website (which has been redeveloped and has a new look as of this week!), and possibly Facebook. If you are not part of the Instant Church Directory System, Prayer Chain, or have not liked us on Facebook, please contact us to get connected.
I can be reached by email at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor Frank Volpe